Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 6:8-15 Common English Bible (CEB)

8. The Lord said to Moses:

9. Command Aaron and his sons: This is the Instruction for the entirely burned offering—the entirely burned offering that must remain on the altar hearth all night until morning, while the fire is kept burning.

10. The priest will dress in his linen robe, with linen undergarments on his body. Because the fire will have devoured the entirely burned offering on the altar, he must remove the ashes and place them beside the altar.

11. The priest will then take off his clothes, dress in a different set of clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp to a clean location.

12. The altar fire must be kept burning; it must not go out. Each morning the priest will burn wood on it, will lay out the entirely burned offering on it, and will completely burn the fat of the well-being offering on it.

13. A continuous fire must be kept burning on the altar; it must not go out.

14. This is the Instruction for the grain offering: Aaron’s sons will present it before the Lord in front of the altar.

15. The priest will remove a handful of the choice flour and oil from the grain offering, and all of the frankincense that is on it, and burn this token portion completely on the altar as a soothing smell to the Lord.

Read complete chapter Leviticus 6