Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 12:2-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

2. But Judith said, "I won’t eat this, or it will be an offense. I’ll have enough to eat from what I brought with me."

3. Holofernes said to her, "But if your supply runs out, where can we get similar food for you, since there is no one else here from your nation?"

4. Judith said to him, "As surely as you live, my master, your slave woman won’t use up what she brought, before the Lord accomplishes by my hand what he has determined."

5. Then Holofernes’ attendants led her into the tent, and she slept there until the middle of the night. She got up when it was the first watch of the morning

6. and sent word to Holofernes, saying, "Please, my master, issue an order permitting your servant to go out and pray."

7. So Holofernes ordered his bodyguards not to stop her. She remained in the camp for three days. Each night she went out to the Bethulia Valley and bathed in the spring of water near the camp.

8. When she came up from the water, she would pray to the Lord God of Israel to direct her way so as to uplift the children of her people.

9. Then she returned purified to the tent and remained there until evening time, when her food was brought to her.

10. On the fourth day Holofernes hosted a party for his closest attendants and didn’t send an invitation to anyone besides them.

11. He said to Bagoas the eunuch, who looked after his property, "Go and persuade the Hebrew woman who is in your care to come join us and eat and drink with us.

12. It would be a shame for us to let such a woman go without having sex with her. If we don’t reel her in, she’ll laugh at us."

13. So Bagoas left Holofernes and went to her and said, "Don’t let this pretty female servant delay in coming to my master, to be honored in his presence, to enjoy drinking wine with us, and to become today like one of the Assyrian women who are present in Nebuchadnezzar’s house."

Read complete chapter Judith 12