Old Testament

New Testament

Judith 10:1-5 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. When she had finished crying out to Israel’s God and had finished saying all these things,

2. she stood up from where she was lying, called her closest servant, and went down into her house where she would spend her sabbaths and feast days.

3. She took off the funeral clothing she had been wearing and removed her widow’s garments. Then she washed her body with water, put on some expensive perfume, combed her hair, tied a headband around her head, and put on one of the festive dresses she used to wear when her husband Manasseh was still alive.

4. She slipped sandals on her feet, and adorned herself with bracelets on her ankles and wrists, rings, earrings, and all her jewelry. She made herself very beautiful in order to attract the eyes of any man who might see her.

5. She gave her servant a container of wine and a flask of olive oil. She filled a bag with grain, a fig cake, and fine bread. She wrapped this up along with her tableware and gave it to her servant to carry.

Read complete chapter Judith 10