Old Testament

New Testament

Judges 21:4-9 Common English Bible (CEB)

4. And the next day, the people got up early and built an altar there. They offered entirely burned offerings and well-being sacrifices.

5. Then the Israelites asked, "Were there any out of all the tribes of Israel who didn’t march up to the assembly before the Lord?" Indeed, they had made a solemn pledge that anyone who didn’t march up before the Lord at Mizpah would be put to death.

6. The Israelites had a change of heart concerning their relatives the Benjaminites. They said, "Today one tribe has been cut off from Israel.

7. What can we do to provide wives for the ones who are left, since we ourselves have made a pledge before the Lord not to allow our daughters to marry them?"

8. So they asked, "Is there anyone from the tribes of Israel who didn’t march up before the Lord at Mizpah?" There was! No one from Jabesh-gilead had come to the assembly at the camp.

9. When the people’s attendance was taken, not one of those who lived in Jabesh-gilead had been there.

Read complete chapter Judges 21