Old Testament

New Testament

Joshua 7:10-21 Common English Bible (CEB)

10. The Lord said to Joshua, "Get up! Why do you lie flat on your face like this?

11. Israel has sinned. They have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the things reserved for me and put them with their own things. They have stolen and kept it a secret.

12. The Israelites can’t stand up to their enemies. They retreat before their enemies because they themselves have become a doomed thing reserved for me. I will no longer be with you unless you destroy the things reserved for me that are present among you.

13. Go and make the people holy. Say, ‘Get ready for tomorrow by making yourselves holy. This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: "Israel! Things reserved for me are present among you. You won’t be able to stand up to your enemies until you remove from your presence the things reserved for me."’

14. In the morning, come forward tribe by tribe. Whichever tribe the Lord selects must come forward clan by clan. Whichever clan the Lord selects must come forward family by family. Whichever family the Lord selects will come forward by individual soldiers.

15. The person selected, who has the things reserved for God, must be put to death by burning. Burn everything that belongs to him too. This is because he has violated the Lord’s covenant and has committed an outrage in Israel."

16. Joshua got up early in the morning. He made Israel come forward tribe by tribe. The tribe of Judah was selected.

17. He made the clans of Judah come forward. He selected the clan of Zerah. He made the clan of Zerah come forward as individual soldiers. Zabdi was selected.

18. He made each soldier of his family come forward. Achan was selected. He was a son of Carmi, grandson of Zabdi, great-grandson of Zerah, and of the tribe of Judah.

19. Joshua said to Achan, "My son, give glory to the Lord the God of Israel. Tell me what you have done. Don’t hide anything from me."

20. Achan answered Joshua, "It’s true. I’ve sinned against the Lord, the God of Israel. This is what I have done:

21. Among the booty I saw a single beautiful robe in the Babylonian style, two hundred shekels of silver, and a single gold bar weighing fifty shekels. I desired them and took them. Now they are hidden in the ground inside my tent, with the silver on the bottom."

Read complete chapter Joshua 7