Old Testament

New Testament

Job 38:30-41 Common English Bible (CEB)

30. Water hardens like stone;the surface of the deep thickens.

31. Can you bind Pleiades’ chainsor loosen the reins of Orion?

32. Can you guide the starsat their proper times,lead the Bear with her cubs?

33. Do you know heaven’s laws,or can you impose its rule on earth?

34. Can you issue an order to the cloudsso their abundant waters cover you?

35. Can you send lightning so that it goesand then says to you, "I’m here"?

36. Who put wisdom in remote places,or who gave understanding to a rooster?

37. Who is wise enough to count the clouds,and who can tilt heaven’s water containers

38. so that dust becomes mudand clods of dirt adhere?

39. Can you hunt prey for the lionor fill the cravings of lion cubs?

40. They lie in their den,lie in ambush in their lair.

41. Who provides food for the ravenwhen its young cry to God,move about without food?

Read complete chapter Job 38