Old Testament

New Testament

Job 36:5-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

5. Look, God is mighty and doesn’t reject anyone;he is mighty in strength and mind.

6. He doesn’t let the wicked live,but grants justice to the poor.

7. He doesn’t avert his eyes from the righteous;he seats kings on thrones forever,and they are lifted up.

8. If they are tied with ropes,caught in cords of affliction,

9. he informs them about their offensesand their grave sins.

10. He opens their ears with disciplineand commands them to turn from wrong.

11. If they listen and serve,they spend their days in plenty,their years contentedly.

12. But if they don’t listen,they perish by the sword,breathe their last without understanding.

13. Those with impious hearts become furious;they don’t cry out even though he binds them.

Read complete chapter Job 36