Old Testament

New Testament

Job 19:12-24 Common English Bible (CEB)

12. His troops come as oneand construct their siege ramp against me;they camp around my tent.

13. He has distanced my family from me;my acquaintances are also alienated from me.

14. My visitors have ceased;those who know me have forgotten me.

15. My guests and female servants think me a stranger;I’m a foreigner in their sight.

16. I call my servant, and he doesn’t answer;I myself must beg him.

17. My breath stinks to my wife;I am odious to my children.

18. Even the young despise me;I get up, and they rail against me.

19. All my closest friends despise me;the ones I have loved turn against me.

20. My bones cling to my skin and flesh;I have escaped by the skin of my teeth.

21. Pity me. Pity me. You’re my friends.God’s hand has truly struck me.

22. Why do you pursue me like God does,always hungry for my flesh?

23. Oh, that my words were written down,inscribed on a scroll

24. with an iron instrument and lead,forever engraved on stone.

Read complete chapter Job 19