Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 49:3-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. Weep, you people of Heshbon;Ai has been destroyed.Wail, you daughters of Rabbah;put on funeral clothing,cry your eyes out,run for shelter.Milcom will surely go into exile,together with his priests and ministers.

4. Why do you brag about your strength?Your strength is exhausted,you rebellious daughter.You trust in your treasures,never imagining who would attack you.

5. I’m the one who will terrify you from every side,declares the Lord of heavenly forces.Every one of you will be scattered about;no one will gather those who fled.

6. Afterward, though, I will bring backthe Ammonites from captivity,declares the Lord.

7. Concerning Edom, the Lord of heavenly forces proclaims:Is wisdom no longer in Teman?Has good sense vanished from the perceptive?Are they no longer wise?

8. Turn, flee, and run for cover,you inhabitants of Dedan.I’m bringing disaster on Esau:its day of reckoning.

9. If workers would come to you to pick grapes,they would at least leave a few on the vine.If thieves would come in the night,they would take only what they needed.

10. But me? I will strip Esau bare.I will expose his hiding places,and he will find no place to take cover.His offspring, family, and acquaintances will perish,and there will be no one left to say,

11. "Leave me your orphans,and I’ll look after them;trust your widows into my care."

12. The Lord proclaims: If the innocent must drink the cup, why do you expect to escape punishment? You won’t! You will drink it!

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 49