Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 5:6-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

6. I’ll turn it into a ruin;it won’t be pruned or hoed,and thorns and thistles will grow up.I will command the clouds not to rain on it.

7. The vineyard of the Lord of heavenly forces is the house of Israel,and the people of Judah are the plantings in which God delighted.God expected justice, but there was bloodshed;righteousness, but there was a cry of distress!

8. Doom to those who acquire house after house,who annex field to field until there is no more space leftand only you live alone in the land.

9. I heard the Lord of heavenly forces say this:Many houses will become total ruins,large, fine houses, with no one living in them.

10. Ten acres of vineyardwill produce just one bath,and a homer of seedwill produce only an ephah.

11. Doom to those who wake up early in the morning to run after beer,to those who stay up late, lit up by wine.

12. They party with lyre and harp, tambourine, flute, and wine;but they ignore the Lord’s work;they can’t see what God is doing.

13. Therefore, my people go into exile since they didn’t understand—their officials are dying of hunger;so many of them are dried up with thirst.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 5