Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 27:7-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

7. Did God strike Israel as he struck those who struck him?Was Israel killed as his killers were killed?

8. By frightening Jerusalem, by sending her away,you contended with her,expelling with a fierce blaston the day of the east wind.

9. By this Jacob’s guilt is reconciled,and this was how his sins were finally removed:he made all the altar stones like shattered chalk,sacred poles and incense altars that couldn’t stand.

10. The fortified city lies alone,a hut forsaken,abandoned like the desert.Calves graze there;they lie down there and feed on its boughs.

11. When its branches are dry, they are broken.Women come and set fire to it.These people have no understanding;therefore, their maker won’t have compassion;the one who formed them won’t be gracious.

12. On that day, the Lord will beat grain from the channel of the Euphrates up to the Valley of Egypt. You will be collected, Israelites, one by one.

13. On that day, a great trumpet will be played. Those who were lost in the land of Assyria and those who were scattered in the land of Egypt will come. They will bow to the Lord at his holy mountain in Jerusalem.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 27