Old Testament

New Testament

Hosea 5:1-10 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Hear this, priests!Pay attention, house of Israel!Listen, house of the king!The judgment concerns you because you have been a trap at Mizpah,and a net spread out upon Tabor.

2. In their wicked condition, they have sunk deep into corruption;I will correct them through judgment.

3. I know Ephraim; Israel doesn’t escape my eye;for now Ephraimyou have acted like a prostitute;Israel is defiled.

4. Their deeds don’t allow themto return to their God,because the spirit of prostitution is within them,and they don’t know the Lord.

5. Israel’s pride is a witness against him;both Israel and Ephraim stagger because of their guilt;Judah staggers with them.

6. With their sheep and their cattle they will goto seek the Lord,but they will not find him;he has withdrawn from them.

7. They have acted faithlessly against the Lord;for their children have produced illegitimate children.Now the new moon will devour them along with their fields.

8. Blow a horn in Gibeah;blow a trumpet in Ramah.Sound the warning at Beth-aven:"Look behind you, Benjamin!"

9. Ephraim will become a horrible placeon the Judgment Day.Against the tribes of IsraelI will certainly announce what is to take place.

10. The princes of Judah act like raiders who steal the land;I will pour out my anger like water upon them.

Read complete chapter Hosea 5