Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 39:6-11 Common English Bible (CEB)

6. So he handed over everything he had to Joseph and didn’t pay attention to anything except the food he ate.Now Joseph was well-built and handsome.

7. Some time later, his master’s wife became attracted to Joseph and said, "Sleep with me."

8. He refused and said to his master’s wife, "With me here, my master doesn’t pay attention to anything in his household; he’s put everything he has under my supervision.

9. No one is greater than I am in this household, and he hasn’t denied me anything except you, since you are his wife. How could I do this terrible thing and sin against God?"

10. Every single day she tried to convince him, but he wouldn’t agree to sleep with her or even to be with her.

11. One day when Joseph arrived at the house to do his work, none of the household’s men were there.

Read complete chapter Genesis 39