Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 27:2-17 Common English Bible (CEB)

2. He said, "I’m old and don’t know when I will die.

3. So now, take your hunting gear, your bow and quiver of arrows, go out to the field, and hunt game for me.

4. Make me the delicious food that I love and bring it to me so I can eat. Then I can bless you before I die."

5. Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to his son Esau. When Esau went out to the field to hunt game to bring back,

6. Rebekah said to her son Jacob, "I just heard your father saying to your brother Esau,

7. ‘Bring me some game and make me some delicious food so I can eat, and I will bless you in the Lord’s presence before I die.’

8. Now, my son, listen to me, to what I’m telling you to do.

9. Go to the flock and get me two healthy young goats so I can prepare them as the delicious food your father loves.

10. You can bring it to your father, he will eat, and then he will bless you before he dies."

11. Jacob said to his mother Rebekah, "My brother Esau is a hairy man, but I have smooth skin.

12. What if my father touches me and thinks I’m making fun of him? I will be cursed instead of blessed."

13. His mother said to him, "Your curse will be on me, my son. Just listen to me: go and get them for me."

14. So he went and got them and brought them to his mother, and his mother made the delicious food that his father loved.

15. Rebekah took her older son Esau’s favorite clothes that were in the house with her, and she put them on her younger son Jacob.

16. On his arms and smooth neck she put the hide of young goats,

17. and the delicious food and the bread she had made she put into her son’s hands.

Read complete chapter Genesis 27