Old Testament

New Testament

Ecclesiastes 7:19-29 Common English Bible (CEB)

19. Wisdom makes a wise person stronger than ten rulers who are in a city.

20. Remember: there’s no one on earth so righteous as to do good only and never make a mistake.

21. Don’t worry about all the things people say, so you don’t hear your servant cursing you.

22. After all, you know that you’ve often cursed others yourself!

23. I tested all of this by wisdom. I thought, I will be wise, but it eluded me.

24. All that happens is elusive and utterly unfathomable. Who can grasp it?

25. I turned my mind to know, to investigate, and to seek wisdom, along with an account of things, to know that wickedness is foolishness and folly is madness.

26. I found one woman more bitter than death: she who is a trap, her heart a snare, her hands shackles. Anyone who pleases God escapes her, but a sinner is trapped by her.

27. See, this is what I found, says the Teacher, examining one matter after another to account for things.

28. But there’s something that I constantly searched for but couldn’t find: I found one man among a thousand, but I couldn’t find a woman among any of these.

29. See, this alone I found: God made human beings straightforward, but they search for many complications.

Read complete chapter Ecclesiastes 7