Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 33:17-24 Common English Bible (CEB)

17. A firstborn bull—that’s how majestic he is!A wild ox’s horns—those are his horns!With them he gores all peoplescompletely, to the far ends of the earth!His horns are Ephraim’s tens of thousands.His horns are Manasseh’s thousands."

18. Then he told Zebulun:"Zebulun: celebrate when you are out and about;Issachar: celebrate when you are at home in your tents!

19. They call all sorts of people to the mountain,where they offer right sacrifices.It’s true: They’re nourished on the sea’s abundance;they are nourished on buried treasures in the sand."

20. Then he told Gad:"May Gad’s broad lands be blessed!He lives like a lion:he rips an arm, even a head!

21. He chose the best part for himselfbecause there, where the commander’s portion was,the leaders of the people gathered together.Gad executed the Lord’s justiceand the Lord’s judgments for Israel."

22. Then he told Dan:"Dan is a lion cub.He jumps up from Bashan."

23. Then he told Naphtali:"Naphtali—you are full of favor,overflowing with the Lord’s blessing—go possess the west and the south!"

24. Finally, he told Asher:"Asher is the most blessed of sons.I pray that he’s his brothers’ favorite—one who dips his foot in fine oil.

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 33