Old Testament

New Testament

4 Maccabees 4:2-7 Common English Bible (CEB)

2. So Simon came to Apollonius, the governor of Syria, Phoenicia, and Cilicia, and said,

3. "Since I am devoted to the king’s interests, I have come here to report that several tons of silver in private funds have been deposited in the temple treasuries. These funds are not temple property but belong to King Seleucus."

4. When Apollonius learned these things, he praised Simon for watching out for the king. Then Apollonius went to Seleucus to tell him about the stash of treasure.

5. When Apollonius received authority to take action, he quickly advanced into our nation, bringing along the villain Simon and heavily armed troops.

6. He said that he was commanded by the king to come and confiscate the private funds that were stored in the treasury.

7. The people angrily protested. They thought it would be terrible if the people who had deposited money in trust in the sacred treasury were robbed. They did whatever they could to prevent it.

Read complete chapter 4 Maccabees 4