Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 11:11-24 Common English Bible (CEB)

11. Charging like lions against their enemies, they took down eleven thousand foot soldiers and sixteen hundred horses, and they put all the rest to flight.

12. Most of them escaped wounded and naked, while Lysias himself escaped by disgracefully running away.

13. Showing intelligence, Lysias pondered the reality of this defeat and realized that the Hebrews, assisted by God’s power, couldn’t be defeated. So he sent a messenger

14. and persuaded them to come to a just settlement in all issues concerning civil rights. He also persuaded them that he would convince the king to become their friend.

15. The Maccabee consented to Lysias’ proposals, thinking it was best for all involved. Whatever the Maccabee presented in writing to Lysias concerning the Jews, the king granted.

16. This is what Lysias’ letter to the Jews said:

17. Lysias to the Jewish community. Greetings!John and Absalom, the men you sent, gave me the administrative document copied below and made a request concerning its contents.

18. Whatever needed to be presented in person to the king, I stated plainly; and whatever was feasible, he has granted.

19. If then you will preserve goodwill toward the government, in the future I will attempt to promote your well-being.

20. But concerning the details, I commanded these men to confer with you, along with my representatives.

21. Farewell!Year 148, the twenty-fourth day of the month of Dios Korinthos.

22. This is what the king’s letter said:

23. King Antiochus to his brother Lysias. Greetings!After our father joined the gods, it was my desire that those who want calm be left alone to tend to their own business.

24. We heard that the Jews haven’t agreed to change to the Greek way of life, as our father wanted, but preferred their own way of life and asked to be permitted to have their own law.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 11