Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 2:29-48 Common English Bible (CEB)

29. All things tremble before me; my eyes see the pit of hell.

30. Rejoice, mother, with your children, and I will rescue you, says the Lord.

31. I will remember your children who sleep, because I will seek them out from the breadth of the earth. Strengthen them in the abundance of your glory and show mercy, because I am merciful, says the Lord.

32. Embrace those born from you until I come, and show mercy to the others, because my springs will overflow and my favor won’t fail.

33. I, Ezra, received a command from the Lord on Mount Horeb for Israel, but they rejected this commandment.

34. I say to you who hear and understand: Wait for your shepherd. I will give you your eternal rest, because the end of the age and the decline of humankind are near.

35. Be prepared for the kingdom’s rewards, for everlasting light will shine on you, and eternity is prepared for you.

36. Run away from this world’s shadow that holds your glory captive. I testify that my savior has been commissioned by the Lord.

37. Receive the joy that comes from your glory, all of you, giving thanks to him who has called you to heavenly kingdoms.

38. Rise, stand, and see the number of those sealed at the feast,

39. those who have transferred themselves from the shadow of this world and received bright garments from the Lord.

40. Welcome your full number, Mount Zion. Receive the full tally of your white-robed people who serve you in obedience, because they have fulfilled the Lord’s Law.

41. Since you have long wished for your children to come, fill up their number. Ask the Lord’s sovereign power that your people may be honored as holy, since they were called from the beginning.

42. I, Ezra, saw on Mount Zion a great crowd, which I couldn’t number. They were all praising the Lord together with songs.

43. In their midst was a tall young man, standing above all the rest. He placed crowns on each of their heads, and they were further honored.I began to wonder,

44. and I asked an angel, "Who are these people?"

45. The angel answered me, "These are the ones who took off the mortal garment and put on the immortal and confessed the name of God. Now they are being crowned, and they are receiving palms."

46. I said to the angel, "Who is that young man who gives them crowns and palms?"

47. The angel answered, "That is God’s Son, whom they confessed in the mortal world."I began to praise and celebrate the Lord.

48. The angel said to me, "Go announce to his people how many wonders the Lord God has shown you."

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 2