Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 1:5-19 Common English Bible (CEB)

5. Go and announce to my people their crimes. Tell their children about the sins they committed against me. Let their children also announce this to their own children,

6. because the children have added to their parents’ sins. They forgot me and offered sacrifices to foreign gods!

7. Didn’t I bring them out of the land of Egypt where they lived in slavery? Why then have they angered me and rejected my advice?

8. Therefore, the Lord says: Tear out your hair and hurl every kind of disaster at them, because they haven’t obeyed my Law. Undisciplined people!

9. How long will I put up with them—and after I granted them so many favors?

10. I have overthrown many kings for their sakes. I plunged Pharaoh together with his servants and his whole army into the sea!

11. Didn’t I destroy the city of Bethsaida for your sake? Didn’t I burn up two cities south of you, Tyre and Sidon, with fire and kill those opposing you?

13. Didn’t I bring you through the sea, and make walls to your right and left? I gave Moses and Aaron to you as leaders.

14. I gave you a column of lightning for light. These are the many wonderful deeds that I performed among you, but you have forgotten me, says the Lord.

15. The Lord says this: The quails were a sign for you. I gave you safe places to camp, and there you grumbled.

16. I sank your pursuer along with his army, and yet the people grumble about their own destruction.

17. What kind of return is this for the favors I granted you?When you were hungry and thirsty in the wilderness, you called out to me,

18. "Why did you lead us into this wilderness to kill us? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in this desert."

19. Therefore, I felt sorry for your groans. I gave you manna, and you ate.

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 1