Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 1:21-33 Common English Bible (CEB)

21. I gave you fertile lands. I drove out Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, and their children before you. What more can I do for you?! says the Lord.

22. The Lord says this: In the desert when you were thirsty at the bitter river and insulting my name,

23. I didn’t become angry. Instead, I cast wood into the water and made the river sweet.

24. What will I do to you, Jacob?Judah, you wouldn’t obey me.I will turn to another nationand give them my name.They will certainly keep my ordinances.

25. When those who abandoned mebeg for mercy,I won’t have mercy on them.

26. When they call upon me,I won’t hear thembecause they have stained their souls,and have hands stained with blood.Your feet aren’t slow to commit murder.

27. You haven’t abandoned me;rather, you have abandoned yourselves, says the Lord.

28. The Lord says this: Didn’t I plead with you like a father with his sons, like a mother with her daughters, and like a nurse who loves her little one,

29. that you should be my people and I your God, and that you should be my children and I your Father?

30. I gathered you as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings. But what will I do with you?I will throw you out of my presence.

31. When you bring me offerings, I will turn my eyes away from you. I didn’t command you to observe festival days, new moons, sabbaths, and circumcisions.

32. I sent my servants the prophets to you. You took them, mangled them, and slaughtered those who had been sent. But I will make you pay for their deaths, says the Lord.

33. The almighty Lord says this: Your house is left empty. I will scatter you as the wind scatters straw.

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 1