Old Testament

New Testament

2 Chronicles 16:9-14 Common English Bible (CEB)

9. because the Lord’s eyes scan the whole world to strengthen those who are committed to him with all their hearts. Your foolishness means that you will have war on your hands from now on."

10. Asa was angry with the seer. Asa was so mad he threw Hanani in jail and took his anger out on some of the people.

11. The rest of Asa’s deeds, from beginning to end, are written in the official records of Israel’s and Judah’s kings.

12. In the thirty-ninth year of his rule, Asa developed a severe foot disease. But even in his illness he refused to seek the Lord and consulted doctors instead.

13. In the forty-first year of his rule, Asa lay down with his ancestors.

14. He was buried in the tomb he had prepared for himself in David’s City, and was laid on a bed filled with sweet spices and various kinds of perfume, with a huge fire made in his honor.

Read complete chapter 2 Chronicles 16