Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 9:68-73 Common English Bible (CEB)

68. They fought Bacchides, and he was crushed by them. They put so much pressure on him that his plan and invasion came to nothing.

69. So he was very angry at the renegade Jews who had advised him to return to the country. He killed many of them before he decided to go back to his own land.

70. When Jonathan learned about this, he sent ambassadors to make peace with him and to gain release of captives.

71. Bacchides agreed and kept his word. He swore to Jonathan that he wouldn’t try to harm him for the rest of his life.

72. He returned the captives he had taken previously from the land of Judah. Then he turned and went back to his own land and didn’t come again into their territory.

73. So war had ended for Israel. Jonathan settled in Michmash and began to govern the people. He destroyed the godless who were in Israel.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 9