Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 16:3-13 Common English Bible (CEB)

3. But now I’ve become old. By heaven’s mercy, you are mature in years. Take my place and that of my brothers, and go out and fight for our nation. May the help that comes from heaven be with you!"

4. So John chose twenty thousand warriors and cavalry from across the country. They marched against Cendebeus, camping overnight in Modein.

5. They started out early in the morning and marched into the plain, where a large force of infantry and cavalry was advancing to meet them. A stream lay between them.

6. Then John and his army lined up against them. He saw that his soldiers were afraid to cross the stream, so he crossed it first. When his troops saw his action, they crossed over after him.

7. Then he divided up the army, placing the cavalry in the middle of the infantry, because the enemy had a large number of cavalry.

8. They sounded the trumpets and decisively defeated Cendebeus and his army. Many of them were killed, and the rest headed into the fortress.

9. During the battle, John’s brother Judas was wounded, but John pursued them until Cendebeus reached Kedron, which he had built.

10. Some also fled into the towers that were in the fields of Azotus. John burned them down, killing about two thousand. Then he safely returned to Judea.

11. Now Ptolemy, Abubus’ son, had been appointed governor over Jericho. He had a large amount of silver and gold

12. because he was the high priest’s son-in-law.

13. He became arrogant and was determined to gain control of the country. He made devious plans against Simon and his sons to do away with them.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 16