Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 10:63-73 Common English Bible (CEB)

63. The king also seated him at his side, and he spoke to his officers: "Go with him into the middle of the city and announce that no one should bring charges against him about any matter. Furthermore, let no one annoy him for any reason."

64. His accusers saw the honor that was paid Jonathan in keeping with the proclamation. They saw him clothed in purple, so they all fled.

65. In this way, the king honored him and enrolled him among his chief political advisors, and made him general and governor of the province.

66. And Jonathan returned to Jerusalem in peace and gladness.

67. In the year 165, Demetrius the son of Demetrius came from Crete to the land of his ancestors.

68. When King Alexander heard, he was greatly distressed and returned to Antioch.

69. Demetrius appointed Apollonius the governor of Coele-Syria, who assembled a large force and camped against Jamnia. Then Apollonius sent the following message to the high priest Jonathan:

70. You are the only one to oppose us. I have fallen into ridicule and disgrace because of you. Why do you assume authority against us in the highlands?

71. Now if you have confidence in your military forces, come down to the plain to meet us. Let’s match strength against strength there, because I have with me the forces of the cities.

72. Discover who I am and who the others are that are helping us, and you will learn that you cannot stand before us. Twice before, your ancestors were forced to flee in their own land.

73. Now you will not be able to stand up against my cavalry and my army in the plain, where there is no stone or pebble, or place to escape.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 10