Old Testament

New Testament

1 Kings 7:24-40 Common English Bible (CEB)

24. Under the rim were two rows of gourds completely encircling it, ten every eighteen inches, each cast in its mold.

25. The Sea rested on twelve oxen with their backs toward the center, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south, and three facing east.

26. The Sea was as thick as the width of a hand. Its rim was shaped like a cup or an open lily blossom. It could hold two thousand baths.

27. He also made ten bronze stands. Each was six feet long, six feet wide, and four and a half feet high.

28. This is how each stand was made: There were panels connected between the legs.

29. Lions, bulls, and winged otherworldly creatures appeared on the panels between the legs. On the legs above and below the lions and bulls were wreaths on panels hanging off the stands.

30. There were four bronze wheels with bronze axles for each stand. There were four feet and supports cast for each basin with wreaths on their sides.

31. Inside the bowl was an opening eighteen inches deep. The opening was round, measuring twenty-seven inches, with engravings. The panels of the stands were square rather than round.

32. There were four wheels beneath the panels. The axles of the wheels were attached to the stand. Each wheel was twenty-seven inches in height.

33. The construction of the wheels resembled chariot wheels. The axles, rims, spokes, and hubs were all made of cast metal.

34. There was a handle on each of the four corners of every stand, projecting from the side of the stand.

35. The top of the stand had a band running around the perimeter that was nine inches deep. The stand had its own supports and panels.

36. On the surfaces of the supports and panels he carved winged otherworldly creatures, lions, and palm trees with wreaths everywhere.

37. In this manner he made ten stands, each one cast in a single mold of the same size and shape.

38. He made ten bronze washbasins, each able to hold forty baths. Every washbasin was six feet across, and there was one for each of the ten stands.

39. He placed five stands on the south of the temple and five on the north of the temple. He placed the Sea at the southeast corner of the temple.

40. Hiram made the basins, shovels, and bowls.And so Hiram finished his work on the Lord’s temple for King Solomon:

Read complete chapter 1 Kings 7