Old Testament

New Testament

1 Esdras 1:5-12 Common English Bible (CEB)

5. Take your positions in the temple according to your inherited priestly groups, serving before your people the Israelites.

6. Sacrifice the Passover lamb and prepare sacrifices for your people, and conduct the Passover ceremony according to the rules that the Lord gave to Moses."

7. Josiah gave to the people a gift of thirty thousand lambs and kid goats and three thousand calves. These came as promised from the king’s own possessions to the people, priests, and Levites.

8. Hilkiah, Zechariah, and Jehiel (the chief officials of the temple) gave to the priests for the Passover twenty-six hundred sheep and three hundred calves.

9. Jeconiah, Shemaiah and his brother Nethanel, Hashabiah, Ochiel, and Joram, military commanders, gave to the Levites five thousand sheep and seven hundred calves for the Passover.

10. This is what happened. Early in the morning the priests and Levites,

11. holding the unleavened bread, stood in the proper order of their tribes

12. and by their inherited groups. They brought the offerings to the Lord according to the scroll from Moses.

Read complete chapter 1 Esdras 1