Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 14:55-72 Common English Bible (CEB)

55. The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for testimony against Jesus in order to put him to death, but they couldn’t find any.

56. Many brought false testimony against him, but they contradicted each other.

57. Some stood to offer false witness against him, saying,

58. "We heard him saying, ‘I will destroy this temple, constructed by humans, and within three days I will build another, one not made by humans.’"

59. But their testimonies didn’t agree even on this point.

60. Then the high priest stood up in the middle of the gathering and examined Jesus. "Aren’t you going to respond to the testimony these people have brought against you?"

61. But Jesus was silent and didn’t answer. Again, the high priest asked, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the blessed one?"

62. Jesus said, "I am. And you will see the Human One sitting on the right side of the Almighty and coming on the heavenly clouds."

63. Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, "Why do we need any more witnesses?

64. You’ve heard his insult against God. What do you think?" They all condemned him. "He deserves to die!"

65. Some began to spit on him. Some covered his face and hit him, saying, "Prophesy!" Then the guards took him and beat him.

66. Meanwhile, Peter was below in the courtyard. A woman, one of the high priest’s servants, approached

67. and saw Peter warming himself by the fire. She stared at him and said, "You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus."

68. But he denied it, saying, "I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t understand what you’re saying." And he went outside into the outer courtyard. A rooster crowed.

69. The female servant saw him and began a second time to say to those standing around, "This man is one of them."

70. But he denied it again. A short time later, those standing around again said to Peter, "You must be one of them, because you are also a Galilean."

71. But he cursed and swore, "I don’t know this man you’re talking about."

72. At that very moment, a rooster crowed a second time. Peter remembered what Jesus told him, "Before a rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times." And he broke down, sobbing.

Read complete chapter Mark 14