Old Testament

New Testament

John 8:18-32 Common English Bible (CEB)

18. I am one witness concerning myself, and the Father who sent me is the other."

19. They asked him, "Where is your Father?" Jesus answered, "You don’t know me and you don’t know my Father. If you knew me, you would also know my Father."

20. He spoke these words while he was teaching in the temple area known as the treasury. No one arrested him, because his time hadn’t yet come.

21. Jesus continued, "I’m going away. You will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I’m going, you can’t come."

22. The Jewish leaders said, "He isn’t going to kill himself, is he? Is that why he said, ‘Where I’m going, you can’t come’?"

23. He said to them, "You are from below; I’m from above. You are from this world; I’m not from this world.

24. This is why I told you that you would die in your sins. If you don’t believe that I Am, you will die in your sins."

25. "Who are you?" they asked. Jesus replied, "I’m exactly who I have claimed to be from the beginning.

26. I have many things to say in judgment concerning you. The one who sent me is true, and what I have heard from him I tell the world."

27. They didn’t know he was speaking about his Father.

28. So Jesus said to them, "When the Human One is lifted up, then you will know that I Am. Then you will know that I do nothing on my own, but I say just what the Father has taught me.

29. He who sent me is with me. He doesn’t leave me by myself, because I always do what makes him happy."

30. While Jesus was saying these things, many people came to believe in him.

31. Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, "You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teaching.

32. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Read complete chapter John 8