Old Testament

New Testament

Acts Of The Apostles 18:21-26 Common English Bible (CEB)

21. As he said farewell to them, though, he added, "God willing, I will return." Then he sailed off from Ephesus.

22. He arrived in Caesarea, went up to Jerusalem and greeted the church, and then went down to Antioch.

23. After some time there he left and traveled from place to place in the region of Galatia and the district of Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.

24. Meanwhile, a certain Jew named Apollos arrived in Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria and was well-educated and effective in his use of the scriptures.

25. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord and spoke as one stirred up by the Spirit. He taught accurately the things about Jesus, even though he was aware only of the baptism John proclaimed and practiced.

26. He began speaking with confidence in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they received him into their circle of friends and explained to him God’s way more accurately.

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