Old Testament

New Testament

Acts Of The Apostles 15:24-32 Common English Bible (CEB)

24. We’ve heard that some of our number have disturbed you with unsettling words we didn’t authorize.

25. We reached a united decision to select some delegates and send them to you along with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul.

26. These people have devoted their lives to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

27. Therefore, we are sending Judas and Silas. They will confirm what we have written.

28. The Holy Spirit has led us to the decision that no burden should be placed on you other than these essentials:

29. refuse food offered to idols, blood, the meat from strangled animals, and sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid such things. Farewell.

30. When Barnabas, Paul, and the delegates were sent on their way, they went down to Antioch. They gathered the believers and delivered the letter.

31. The people read it, delighted with its encouraging message.

32. Judas and Silas were prophets, and they said many things that encouraged and strengthened the brothers and sisters.

Read complete chapter Acts Of The Apostles 15