Old Testament

New Testament

1 Peter 2:1-6 Common English Bible (CEB)

1. Therefore, get rid of all ill will and all deceit, pretense, envy, and slander.

2. Instead, like a newborn baby, desire the pure milk of the word. Nourished by it, you will grow into salvation,

3. since you have tasted that the Lord is good.

4. Now you are coming to him as to a living stone. Even though this stone was rejected by humans, from God’s perspective it is chosen, valuable.

5. You yourselves are being built like living stones into a spiritual temple. You are being made into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

6. Thus it is written in scripture, Look! I am laying a cornerstone in Zion, chosen, valuable. The person who believes in him will never be shamed.

Read complete chapter 1 Peter 2