Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 23:28-38 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

28. And he does not acknowledge that the eyes of the Lord are much brighter than the sun, keeping watch over all the ways of men, even to the depths of the abyss, and gazing into the hearts of men, even to the most hidden parts.

29. For all things, before they were created, were known to the Lord God. And even after their completion, he beholds all things.

30. This man will be punished in the streets of the city, and he will be chased like a young horse. And in a place that he does not suspect, he will be captured.

31. And because he did not understand the fear of the Lord, he will be in disgrace before all men,

32. as will be every woman, too, who abandons her husband and establishes an inheritance by marriage to another man.

33. For first, she was unbelieving of the law of the Most High. Second, she offended against her husband. Third, she fornicated by adultery, and so established her children by another man.

34. This woman will be led into the assembly, and she will be stared at by her children.

35. Her children will not take root, and her branches will not produce fruit.

36. She will leave behind her memory as a curse, and her infamy will not be wiped away.

37. And those who are left behind will acknowledge that there is nothing better than the fear of God, and that there is nothing sweeter than to have respect for the commandments of the Lord.

38. It is a great glory to follow the Lord. For length of days will be received from him.

Read complete chapter Sirach 23