Old Testament

New Testament

Sirach 10:22-33 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

22. Arrogance was not created for men, nor was an angry temperament created for the gender of women.

23. Those who fear God among the offspring of men will be honored. But those among the offspring who ignore the commandments of the Lord will be dishonored.

24. In the midst of his brothers, a ruler has honor. And those who fear the Lord will have honor in his eyes.

25. The fear of God is the glory of the wealthy, and of the honorable, and of the poor.

26. Do not choose to despise a just man who is poor, and do not choose to magnify a sinful man who is rich.

27. The great man, and the judge, and the powerful have honor. But no one is greater than he who fears God.

28. Those who are free will serve an understanding servant. And a prudent and disciplined man will not murmur at correction. But an ignorant man will not be honored.

29. Do not choose to extol yourself in doing your work, and do not be unproductive during the time of distress.

30. He who works, and so abounds in all things, is better than he who boasts, and so lacks bread.

31. Son, preserve your soul in meekness, and give it honor according to its merit.

32. Who will justify one who sins in his soul? And who will honor one who dishonors his soul?

33. The poor man is glorified by his discipline and fear. And there is a man who is honored because of his substance.

Read complete chapter Sirach 10