Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 29:15-22 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

15. The rod and its correction distribute wisdom. But the child who is left to his own will brings shame to his mother.

16. When the impious are multiplied, crimes will be multiplied. But the just shall see their ruin.

17. Teach your son, and he will refresh you, and he will give delight to your soul.

18. When prophecy fails, the people will be scattered. Yet truly, whoever guards the law is blessed.

19. A servant cannot be taught by words, because he understands what you say, but he disdains to respond.

20. Have you seen a man rushing to speak? Foolishness has more hope than his correction.

21. Whoever nurtures his servant delicately from childhood, afterwards will find him defiant.

22. A short-tempered man provokes quarrels. And whoever is easily angered is more likely to sin.

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