Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 15:21-30 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

21. so also shall you give the first-fruits of your cooked grains to the Lord.

22. And if, through ignorance, you neglect any of these things, which the Lord has spoken to Moses,

23. and which he has commanded through him for you, from the day that he began to command and thereafter,

24. and if the multitude will have forgotten to do it, then they shall offer a calf from the herd, a holocaust as a most sweet odor to the Lord, and its sacrifice and libations, just as the ceremonies ask, and a he-goat for sin.

25. And the priest shall pray for the entire multitude of the sons of Israel, and it shall be forgiven them, because they did not sin willfully. Nevertheless, they shall offer incense to the Lord for themselves, and for sin, as well as for their error.

26. And it shall be forgiven all the people of the sons of Israel, as well as the newcomers who sojourn among them, for it is the culpability of all the people through neglect.

27. But if one soul will have sinned by not knowing, he shall offer a one-year-old she-goat for his sin.

28. And the priest shall pray for him, because he sinned unknowingly before the Lord. And he shall obtain pardon for him, and it will be forgiven him.

29. One law shall be for all who sin by ignorance, as much for natives as for newcomers.

30. Yet truly, the soul who commits any of these acts through arrogance, whether he is a citizen or a sojourner, because he has rebelled against the Lord, shall perish from among his people.

Read complete chapter Numbers 15