Old Testament

New Testament

2 Maccabees 3:11-25 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

11. In truth, a certain part of that which impious Simon had reported belonged to Hyrcanus, son of Tobias, a very eminent man. But the entire amount was four hundred talents of silver and two hundred of gold.

12. For in truth, to deceive those who had trusted in the place and the temple that is honored throughout the whole world for its veneration and sanctity would be altogether impossible.

13. But because of those things that he held as orders from the king, he said that by all means the money must be transferred to the king.

14. And so, on the appointed day, Heliodorus entered to set these things in order. Yet truly, there was no small amount of trepidation throughout the entire city.

15. And so the priests threw themselves before the altar in their priestly vestments, and they called upon him from heaven, who had established the law about deposits, such that those with whom they had deposited it would keep it safe.

16. Now truly, whoever saw the countenance of the high priest was wounded in mind. For his face and the changing of its color declared the inner sorrow of the soul.

17. For this one man was so immersed in grief and in physical dread that it was clear to those who beheld him that sorrow had affected his heart.

18. And now, others flowed together in flocks from the houses, pleading and making public supplication, on behalf of the place, which soon might be brought into contempt.

19. And the women, wrapped with haircloth around the chest, flowed together through the streets. And even the virgins, who were cloistered, rushed forth to Onias, and others rushed to the walls, and, truly, certain ones looked through the windows.

20. But every one of them, stretching forth their hands toward heaven, made supplication.

21. For the expectation of the mixed multitude, and of the great priest in agony, would have endowed anyone with pity.

22. And indeed, these called upon almighty God, so that the trust that had been entrusted to them would be preserved with all integrity.

23. But Heliodorus completed the same thing that had been decreed, being himself present in the place, with his attendants, near the treasury.

24. Then the Spirit of Almighty God made a great manifestation of his presence, so much so that all who had presumed to yield to him were turned aside by fainting and dread, falling by the power of God.

25. For there appeared to them a certain horse, having a terrible rider, adorned with the best covering, and he rushed forth and assailed Heliodorus with his front hooves. And he who sat upon him seemed to have armor of gold.

Read complete chapter 2 Maccabees 3