Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 6:36-45 Catholic Public Domain Version (CPDV)

36. These were ready beforehand, and wherever the beast was, they were there; and whenever it moved, they moved, and they did not depart from it.

37. Moreover, upon them there were strong wooden turrets, watching over every beast, with machines upon them, and on them were thirty-two valiant men, who fought from above, and an Indian to rule each beast.

38. And the rest of the horsemen, he stationed here and there, in two parts, with trumpets to stir up the army and to urge on those who were slow to move within its legions.

39. And so, when the sun reflected off the shields of gold and of brass, the mountains were resplendent from them, and they glowed like lamps of fire.

40. And part of the king's army was divided to the high mountains, and the other part to the low places. And they went forth with order and caution.

41. And all the inhabitants of the land were shaken at the voice of their multitude, and at the advance of the company, and at the clash of the armor. For the army was very great and strong.

42. And Judas and his army drew near for battle. And there fell of the king's army six hundred men.

43. And Eleazar, the son of Saura, saw one of the beasts shielded with the king's shield, and it was higher than the other beasts. So it seemed to him that the king must be on it.

44. And he gave himself for the freedom of his people, and to obtain for himself a name in eternity.

45. And he ran up to it boldly in the midst of the legion, killing on the right and on the left, and they fell down before him on this side and that.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 6