Old Testament

New Testament

Psalm 106:22-30 Amplified Bible (AMP)

22. Wonders and miracles in the land of Ham, dreadful and awesome things at the Red Sea.

23. Therefore He said He would destroy them. [And He would have done so] had not Moses, His chosen one, stepped into the breach before Him to turn away His threatening wrath. [Exod. 32:10, 11, 32.]

24. Then they spurned and despised the pleasant and desirable land [Canaan]; they believed not His word [neither trusting in, relying on, nor holding to it];

25. But they murmured in their tents and hearkened not to the voice of the Lord.

26. Therefore He lifted up His hand [as if taking an oath] against them, that He would cause them to fall in the wilderness,

27. Cast out their descendants among the nations, and scatter them in the lands [of the earth].

28. They joined themselves also to the [idol] Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices [offered] to the lifeless [gods].

29. Thus they provoked the Lord to anger with their practices, and a plague broke out among them.

30. Then stood up Phinehas [the priest] and executed judgment, and so the plague was stayed. [Num. 25:7, 8.]

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