Old Testament

New Testament

Judges 9:22-35 Amplified Bible (AMP)

22. Abimelech reigned three years over Israel.

23. And God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem, and the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech,

24. That the violence done to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and that their blood might be laid upon Abimelech their brother, who slew them, and upon the men of Shechem, who strengthened his hands to slay his brothers.

25. And the men of Shechem set men in ambush against [Abimelech] on the mountaintops, and they robbed all who passed by them along that way; and it was told to Abimelech.

26. And Gaal son of Ebed came with his kinsmen and moved into Shechem, and the men of Shechem put confidence in him.

27. And they went out into the field, gathered their vineyard fruits and trod them, and held a festival; and going into the house of their god, they ate and drank and cursed Abimelech.

28. Gaal son of Ebed said, Who is Abimelech, and who are we of Shechem, that we should serve him? Were not the son of Jerubbaal and Zebul, his officer, servants of the men of Hamor the father and founder of Shechem? Then why should we serve him?

29. Would that this people were under my hand! Then would I remove Abimelech and say to him, Increase your army and come out.

30. When Zebul the city's mayor heard the words of Gaal son of Ebed, his anger was kindled.

31. And he sent messengers to Abimelech slyly, saying, Behold, Gaal son of Ebed and his kinsmen have come to Shechem; and behold, they stir up the city to rise against you.

32. Now therefore, rise up by night, you and the men with you, and lie in wait in the field.

33. Then in the morning, as soon as the sun is up, rise early and set upon the city; and when Gaal and the men with him come out against you, do to them as opportunity permits.

34. And Abimelech rose up by night, and all the men with him, and they laid in wait against Shechem in four companies.

35. And Gaal son of Ebed came out and stood in the entrance of the city's gate. Then Abimelech and the men with him rose up from ambush.

Read complete chapter Judges 9