Old Testament

New Testament

Job 21:24-32 Amplified Bible (AMP)

24. His pails are full of milk [his veins are filled with nourishment], and the marrow of his bones is fresh and moist,

25. Whereas another man dies in bitterness of soul and never tastes of pleasure or good fortune.

26. They lie down alike in the dust, and the worm spreads a covering over them.

27. Behold, I know your thoughts and plans and the devices with which you would wrong me.

28. For you say, Where is the house of the rich and liberal prince [meaning me]? And where is the tent in which the wicked [Job] dwelt?

29. Have you not asked those who travel this way, and do you not accept their testimony and evidences–

30. That the evil man is [now] spared in the day of calamity and destruction, and they are led forth and away on the day of [God's] wrath?

31. But who declares [a man's] way [and rebukes] him to his face? And who pays him back for what he has done?

32. When he is borne to the grave, watch is kept over his tomb.

Read complete chapter Job 21