Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 8:1-12 Amplified Bible (AMP)

1. IN THOSE days when [again] an immense crowd had gathered and they had nothing to eat, Jesus called His disciples to Him and told them,

2. I have pity and sympathy for the people and My heart goes out to them, for they have been with Me now three days and have nothing [left] to eat;

3. And if I send them away to their homes hungry, they will be feeble through exhaustion and faint along the road; and some of them have come a long way.

4. And His disciples replied to Him, How can anyone fill and satisfy [these people] with loaves of bread here in [this] desolate and uninhabited region?

5. And He asked them, How many loaves have you? They said, Seven.

6. And He commanded the multitude to recline upon the ground, and He [then] took the seven loaves [of bread] and, having given thanks, He broke them and kept on giving them to His disciples to put before [the people], and they placed them before the crowd.

7. And they had a few small fish; and when He had praised God and given thanks and asked Him to bless them [to their use], He ordered that these also should be set before [them].

8. And they ate and were satisfied; and they took up seven [large provision] baskets full of the broken pieces left over.

9. And there were about 4,000 people. And He dismissed them,

10. And at once He got into the boat with His disciples and went to the district of Dalmanutha (or Magdala).

11. The Pharisees came and began to argue with and question Him, demanding from Him a sign (an attesting miracle from heaven) [maliciously] to test Him.

12. And He groaned and sighed deeply in His spirit and said, Why does this generation demand a sign? Positively I say to you, no sign shall be given this generation.

Read complete chapter Mark 8