Old Testament

New Testament

Acts 24:3-9 Amplified Bible (AMP)

3. In every way and in every place, most excellent Felix, we accept and acknowledge this with deep appreciation and with all gratitude.

4. But not to hinder or detain you too long, I beg you in your clemency and courtesy and kindness to grant us a brief and concise hearing.

5. For we have found this man a perfect pest (a real plague), an agitator and source of disturbance to all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the [heretical, division-producing] sect of the Nazarenes.

6. He also [even] tried to desecrate and defile the temple, but we laid hands on him and would have sentenced him by our Law,

7. But the commandant Lysias came and took him from us with violence and force,

8. And ordered his accusers to present themselves to you. By examining and cross-questioning him yourself, you will be able to ascertain the truth from him about all these things with which we charge him.

9. The Jews also agreed and joined in the accusation, declaring that all these things were exactly so.

Read complete chapter Acts 24