Old Testament

New Testament

1 Corinthians 3:3-7 Amplified Bible (AMP)

3. For you are still [unspiritual, having the nature] of the flesh [under the control of ordinary impulses]. For as long as [there are] envying and jealousy and wrangling and factions among you, are you not unspiritual and of the flesh, behaving yourselves after a human standard and like mere (unchanged) men?

4. For when one says, I belong to Paul, and another, I belong to Apollos, are you not [proving yourselves] ordinary (unchanged) men?

5. What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Ministering servants [not heads of parties] through whom you believed, even as the Lord appointed to each his task:

6. I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was making it grow and [He] gave the increase.

7. So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but [only] God Who makes it grow and become greater.

Read complete chapter 1 Corinthians 3